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Pre-defined Menu Entry

TAPython offers a complete set of menu configuration methods, allowing you to add custom menu items to the UE editor through JSON files

Configurable menu types

There are three types of menus, which have the same configuration method but different entry points.

1. Main menu and menus in various editors

Menu entry for Chameleon Widget Gallery

2. Chameleon Tools' Tab Context Menu

Chameleon tool's tab context menu sample

For details, see here: Tab Context Menu, including configuring global common Tab Context Menu and Tab Context Menu for each Chameleon Tool.

3. Slate Widget Context Menu

For example, the following image shows the right-click menu in the SListView widget. Users can operate on the currently selected item in the SListView right-click menu.

Context menu of SListView widget created by TAPython

The right-click menu can be added to other Slate components in Chameleon Tools in the same way. For details, see hereļ¼šWidget Context Menu

Most examples can be found here: Built-in Menus, This article only supplements and summarizes.

MenuConfig.json defines all configurable positions

Menu Item Details
OnMainMenu Menu entry in the editor's main menu
OnToolbar Main toolbar menu entry, the icon is Python, usually only used for Python tools without a UI
OnToolbarChameleon Chameleon tool icon entry, the icon is a green chameleon, usually used for Chameleon tools with a UI
OnOutlineMenu Context menu in the Outline window
OnSelectAssetsMenu Context menu entry when selecting assets in ContentBrower
OnSelectFolderMenu Right-click menu entry when selecting a directory or clicking on a blank area in ContentBrower
OnMaterialEditorMenu Menu items in the material editor
OnPhysicsAssetEditorMenu Menu items in the Physics Asset editor
OnControlRigEditorMenu Menu items in the ControlRig editor

Fields in the MenuConfig.json file

Field Name Useage Type
"items" Each element is a submenu item, which can be nested into a tree structure Array
"name": Menu item display name string
"command": Python code bound to the menu item, supports importing files and calling functions within them string
"ChameleonTools" The Chameleon Tools to be called is the json file relative path "ChameleonTools": "../Python/Example/MinimalExample.json" string
"enabled": Whether to enable the menu item, setting it to false will hide the menu item bool
"canExecuteAction": Python code, whose return value determines whether the menu item can be clicked. Used to set whether the menu item can be executed based on context (e.g. selecting different assets) string
"tooltip" Tooltip when the mouse hovers over string
"HasSection" Whether to add a Python Tools separator named when creating a menu, only string

Tool Menu Anchor

In addition, we can use the same method to add menu items at all UE preset Tool Menu Anchor locations. For details, see menu_tools_anchor

Configure icons for menu items

Using Icons from Style

As shown in the image below, we can add icons to Chameleon tools or other menu items. TAPython currently supports two configuration methods:

  1. Specify a specific FSlateIcon from the Editor style. For example, in the first example below, the icon used is LevelEditor.Tabs.Details from the built-in UE editor EditorStyle.
  2. Specify an image path in the Plugin, such as the second example below, which uses the Resources/flash_32x.png image in the TAPython plugin directory.

Currently only supports icons in the Plugins\TAPython\Resources directory. These icons need to exist in the directory before the editor starts, otherwise the icons will not be displayed. This is one of the few features in TAPython that does not support dynamic loading

Chameleon Tool's menu entries in Unreal Editor main bar


    "name": "Some Python Command with Icon",
    "command": print('Use EditorStyle Icon'), 
    "icon": {
        "style": "EditorStyle",
        "name": "LevelEditor.Tabs.Details"
    "name": "Minima lExample",
    "ChameleonTools": "../Python/Example/MinimalExample.json",
    "icon": {
        "ImagePathInPlugin": "Resources/flash_32x.png"
    "name": "Chameleon Shelf Tool",
    "ChameleonTools": "../Python/ShelfTools/Shelf.json",
    "icon": {
        "style": "ChameleonStyle",
        "name": "Resources.briefcase_32x_png"

In the last example above, we used ChameleonStyle. It is an automatically generated EditorStyle. The rule is that any image (.png, .svg) stored in the Plugins\TAPython\Resources directory, except for the SlateIcon registered in the plugin's C++ code, will be automatically registered in ChameleonStyle. Therefore, the third example is equivalent to the following code:

    "name": "Minima lExample",
    "ChameleonTools": "../Python/Example/MinimalExample.json",
    "icon": {
        "ImagePathInPlugin": "Resources/briefcase_32x.png"

To see which icons are available in ChameleonStyle, you can find the following output in the OutputLog after the editor is opened. Developers can also add their own icons to the Resource directory as needed.

Chameleon style names in Output log

Currently supports .png and .svg (UE5) image formats.

Requiring icons to be placed in the plugin's Resources directory can be inconvenient for users. In the future, we will add functionality to directly load images as icons dynamically.

More menu item technical details

Pre-defined Menu Entry

Context Menu for Slate Widget