Bootstrap Chameleon Logo

File Structure

Directory Structure

    ├── Content
    ├── ...
    ├── Plugins                                  # 1) <--- Plugins folder of Project
    |   └── TAPython
    |       ├── Binaries                         # 2) <--- Pre-compiled .dll, .modules
    |       ├── Config
    |       ├──Intermediate                      # 3) <--- UnrealEditor-TAPython.lib
    |       ├── Resources                       
    |       |    └── DefaultPythonSource         # 4) <--- Default TAPython Resource. Will copy to the 'TA' folder if it's not exists.
    |       ├── Source                           # 5) <--- TAPython.Build.cs
    |       └── TAPython.uplugin                 # 6) 
    └── TA                                       # 7) <--- The root folder of TAPython. Beside TAPython, we has other TA... Tools/Plugin
        └── TAPython       
            ├── Config
            |   └── Config.ini                   # 8) <--- Configs for TAPython
            ├── Lib
            |    └── site-packages               # 9) <--- Put your 3rd package here, if you want share them with collaborator
            ├── Python                           # 10) <--- The root folder of Python tools
            |    ├── ...                    
            |    └── DemoTool                    # 11) <--- Individual tool directory
            |        ├──    
            |        ├──          # 12) <--- Python logic
            |        └── rename_tool.json        # 13) <--- UI file
            └─ UI
                └── MenuConfig.json              # 14) <--- Python tool configuration entry
                └── HotkeyConfig.json            # 15) <--- Hotkey configuration file

Plugin Directory

1. Plugins

Project plugin directory

2. Binaries

Pre-compiled dll, pdb, .modules files for TAPython plugin

3. Intermediate

Contains UnrealEditor-TAPython.lib, required for Build project linking

4. DefaultPythonSource

Initial default resource for TAPython, contents will be copied to the TA directory if it does not exist

5. Source

Contains TAPython.Build.cs, pre-compiled version of the plugin does not include .h, .cpp

6. TAPython.uplugin

TAPython plugin's uplugin definition file

TAPython Directory

7. TA

Project's TA directory, containing all actual Python tools, interface configurations, etc.

8. Config.ini

Configuration file for TAPython plugin, more information can be found in Configs

9. site-packages

Used to store third-party libraries used in the project, if you need to distribute the libraries with the project. More information can be found inUse 3rd Python package

10. Python

ython code root directory, more information can be found in Open Unreal Python Project in IDE

11. DemoTool

Directory for each Chameleon Tool. Each directory is an independent package, facilitating Python import and management. More information can be found in Add a Rename Tool(Step By Step)


Python logic file for Chameleon Tool

13. rename_tool.json

Interface file for Chameleon Tool

14. MenuConfig.json

Configuration entry for Python tools in TAPython, more details can be found in: Add a menu item and Built-in Menus

15. HotkeyConfig.json

Hotkey configuration file for TAPython, more details can be found in: Assign Python to hotkeys


Create a rename tool from scratch