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Function Name Description
get_static_mesh_materials Get all Static Materials of static mesh.
set_static_mesh_materials Get all Static Materials of static mesh.
get_imported_original_mat_names Get the names from Mesh's ImportMaterialOriginalNameData of StaticMesh's ImportData
get_original_lod_data_count Get number of LODs from ImportMeshData. It's may not equal to the number of actual mesh asset, which can generate lods in editor.
get_original_lod_mat_names Get the Section Original Material Names from specified LOD of mesh.
is_this_lod_generated_by_mesh_reduction Is Specified LOD is generated in editor.
set_lod_section_material_slot_index Set Material Slot Index of Specified mesh LOD.
get_section_cast_shadow Is specified section of LOD cast shadow.
get_overlapping_box_count Get the number of instances that overlap a given box
get_overlapping_sphere_count Get the number of instances that overlap a given sphere
get_static_mesh_sockets Get the static mesh sockets of the mesh object
set_static_mesh_sockets Set the static mesh sockets of the mesh object
set_static_mesh_socket_name Set the name of static mesh socket.
convert_procedural_mesh_to_static_mesh UStaticMesh* StaticMeshvert the procedural mesh to static mesh asset
apply_nanite Set and Apply the Enable Nanite of static mesh asset. UE5 Only.
set_uvs_from_camera_projection Project the DynamicMesh to specified UVSet in current view.
get_visible_triangles Get the visible triangles of DynamicMesh in current view.
rasterize_and_trace_triangles_uv Trace the visibility of DynamicMesh in current view.(Experimental)
trace_dynamic_mesh_triangles_visibility Trace the visibility of DynamicMesh's triangles in current view.
get_triangles_face_normal_in_view Get the face normal of DynamicMesh in current view. (Experimental)
cal_triangles_derivatives Calculate the merged ddxy of DynamicMesh's triangles in current view. (Experimental)
export_normal_and_derivatives Export the current normal and mip of DynamicMesh in current view as raw data. (Experimental)


Get all Static Materials of static mesh.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_static_mesh_materials(mesh) -> Array[StaticMaterial]
    Get all Static Materials of static mesh.

        mesh (StaticMesh): The Static Mesh owned the Materials.


        out_materials (Array[StaticMaterial]): The Static Materials of the mesh in list.


Get all Static Materials of static mesh.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.set_static_mesh_materials(mesh, materials, slot_names) -> None
    Get all Static Materials of static mesh.

        mesh (StaticMesh): The target static mesh.
        materials (Array[StaticMaterial]): The material list you want to set to the mesh.
        slot_names (Array[Name]): The new material slot names of the mesh.


Get the names from Mesh's ImportMaterialOriginalNameData of StaticMesh's ImportData

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_imported_original_mat_names(mesh) -> Array[str] or None
    Get the names from Mesh's ImportMaterialOriginalNameData of StaticMesh's ImportData

        mesh (StaticMesh): The target static mesh.

        Array[str] or None:

        out_material_names (Array[str]): The names in material original name data.


Get number of LODs from ImportMeshData. It's may not equal to the number of actual mesh asset, which can generate lods in editor.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_original_lod_data_count(mesh) -> int32
    Get number of LODs from ImportMeshData. It's may not equal to the number of actual mesh asset, which can generate lods in editor.

        mesh (StaticMesh): The target static mesh.

        int32: The number of LOD.


Get the Section Original Material Names from specified LOD of mesh.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_original_lod_mat_names(mesh, lod_level) -> Array[str] or None
    Get the Section Original Material Names from specified LOD of mesh.

        mesh (StaticMesh): The target static mesh.
        lod_level (int32): Specified LOD level.

        Array[str] or None:

        out_material_names (Array[str]): The Material's names.


Is Specified LOD is generated in editor.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.is_this_lod_generated_by_mesh_reduction(mesh, lod_level) -> bool
    Is Specified LOD is generated in editor.
    result: Whether this LOD's mesh is generated in editor or not.

        mesh (StaticMesh): The target static mesh.
        lod_level (int32): Specified LOD level.



Set Material Slot Index of Specified mesh LOD.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.set_lod_section_material_slot_index(static_mesh, lod_index, section_index, new_material_slot_index, new_material_slot_name) -> None
    Set Material Slot Index of Specified mesh LOD.

        static_mesh (StaticMesh):
        lod_index (int32):
        section_index (int32): The section index of LOD.
        new_material_slot_index (int32): The new material slot index for the section.
        new_material_slot_name (Name): The name for material slot.


Is specified section of LOD cast shadow.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_section_cast_shadow(static_mesh, lod_level, section_id) -> bool
    Is specified section of LOD cast shadow.
    result: Whether this section of mesh cast shadow.

        static_mesh (StaticMesh):
        lod_level (int32): Specified LOD level.
        section_id (int32): Specified section id of LOD.



Get the number of instances that overlap a given box

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_overlapping_box_count(hism, box) -> int32
    Get the number of instances that overlap a given box
    result: The overlapped number of instances.

        hism (HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent): The target HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent.
        box (Box): Box for overlapping test.



Get the number of instances that overlap a given sphere

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_overlapping_sphere_count(hism, sphere_center, sphere_radius) -> int32
    Get the number of instances that overlap a given sphere
    result: The overlapped number of instances.

        hism (HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent): The target HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent.
        sphere_center (Vector): The center position of Sphere for overlapping test.
        sphere_radius (float): The radius of Sphere.



Get the static mesh sockets of the mesh object

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_static_mesh_sockets(obj) -> Array[StaticMeshSocket]
    Get the static mesh sockets of the mesh object
    result: The static mesh sockets of the mesh.

        obj (Object): The target mesh.



Set the static mesh sockets of the mesh object

unreal.PythonMeshLib.set_static_mesh_sockets(obj, sockets) -> bool
    Set the static mesh sockets of the mesh object
    result: Succeed or not.

        obj (Object): The target mesh.
        sockets (Array[StaticMeshSocket]): The sockets for mesh.



Set the name of static mesh socket.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.set_static_mesh_socket_name(socket, socket_name) -> StaticMeshSocket
    Set the name of static mesh socket.
    deprecated: SetStaticMeshSocketName is deprecated, use set_editor_property('socket_name', new_socket_name) instead
    result: The mesh socket.

        socket (StaticMeshSocket): The target Socket.
        socket_name (Name): The new name of socket.



UStaticMesh* StaticMeshvert the procedural mesh to static mesh asset

unreal.PythonMeshLib.convert_procedural_mesh_to_static_mesh(proc_mesh_comp, package_path, recompute_normals=False, recompute_tangents=False, remove_degenerates=False, use_high_precision_tangent_basis=False, use_full_precision_u_vs=False, generate_lightmap_u_vs=True) -> StaticMesh
    UStaticMesh* StaticMeshvert the procedural mesh to static mesh asset

        proc_mesh_comp (ProceduralMeshComponent): The ProcMeshComp mesh Component
        package_path (str): The StaticMesh Asset package path
        recompute_normals (bool): Recompute mesh normal or not, default = false
        recompute_tangents (bool): Recompute mesh tangents or not, default = false
        remove_degenerates (bool): Remove Degenerates triangles or not, default = false
        use_high_precision_tangent_basis (bool): Use high precision tangent basis or not, default = false
        use_full_precision_u_vs (bool): Stored UVs with full floating point precision or not, default = false
        generate_lightmap_u_vs (bool): Generate Lightmap UVs or not, default = true

        StaticMesh: return the converted static mesh


Set and Apply the Enable Nanite of static mesh asset. UE5 Only.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.apply_nanite(static_mesh, enable_nanite) -> None
    Set and Apply the Enable Nanite of static mesh asset. UE5 Only.
    note: This function will trigger Nanite mesh rebuild, which will cost several seconds or more.

        static_mesh (StaticMesh): The target static mesh asset.
        enable_nanite (bool): Enable Nanite or not.


Project the DynamicMesh to specified UVSet in current view.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.set_uvs_from_camera_projection(target_mesh, uv_set_index, selection, m, view_info) -> DynamicMesh
    Project the DynamicMesh to specified UVSet in current view.
    note: need UE 5.1+

        target_mesh (DynamicMesh): The target DynamicMesh.
        uv_set_index (int32): The UVSet index of mesh.
        selection (GeometryScriptMeshSelection): The selection of mesh.
        m (Matrix): The transform matrix of DynamicMesh.
        view_info (MinimalViewInfo): The current view info.

        DynamicMesh: The projected DynamicMesh.


Get the visible triangles of DynamicMesh in current view.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_visible_triangles(target_mesh, mesh_transform, view_info, invert) -> (DynamicMesh, selection_out=GeometryScriptMeshSelection)
    Get the visible triangles of DynamicMesh in current view.
    note: need UE 5.1+

        target_mesh (DynamicMesh): The target DynamicMesh.
        mesh_transform (Transform): The transform of DynamicMesh.
        view_info (MinimalViewInfo): The current view info.
        invert (bool): Invert the selection or not.

        GeometryScriptMeshSelection: The visible triangles of DynamicMesh(FGeometryScriptMeshSelection).

        selection_out (GeometryScriptMeshSelection):


Trace the visibility of DynamicMesh in current view.(Experimental)

unreal.PythonMeshLib.rasterize_and_trace_triangles_uv(world, target_mesh, triangle_ids, uv_channel, texture_width, texture_height, transform, start_point, profile_name, debug_draw) -> (blocked_points=Array[IntPoint], not_blocked_points=Array[IntPoint], each_triangles_pixel_counts=Array[int32], each_triangles_blocked_pixel_counts=Array[int32])
    Trace the visibility of DynamicMesh in current view.(Experimental)
    note: added in v1.2.0 (Experimental)
    note: need UE5.2+

        world (World): The world of DynamicMesh.
        target_mesh (DynamicMesh): The target DynamicMesh.
        triangle_ids (Array[int32]): The triangle ids of DynamicMesh for trace.
        uv_channel (int32): The uv channel of DynamicMesh.
        texture_width (int32): The width of texture.
        texture_height (int32): The height of texture.
        transform (Transform): The transform of DynamicMesh.
        start_point (Vector): The start point of trace.
        profile_name (Name): The trace profile name.
        debug_draw (bool): Debug draw or not.


        blocked_points (Array[IntPoint]):

        not_blocked_points (Array[IntPoint]):

        each_triangles_pixel_counts (Array[int32]):

        each_triangles_blocked_pixel_counts (Array[int32]):


Trace the visibility of DynamicMesh's triangles in current view.

unreal.PythonMeshLib.trace_dynamic_mesh_triangles_visibility(target_mesh_component, triangle_ids, view_info, debug_draw, profile_name) -> TAPythonPrimitiveHitResult or None
    Trace the visibility of DynamicMesh's triangles in current view.
    note: added in v1.2.0
    note: need UE5.2+

        target_mesh_component (DynamicMeshComponent): The target DynamicMeshComponent.
        triangle_ids (Array[int32]): The triangle ids of DynamicMesh.
        view_info (MinimalViewInfo): The current view info.
        debug_draw (bool): Debug draw or not.
        profile_name (Name): The trace profile name.

        TAPythonPrimitiveHitResult or None: TAPythonPrimitiveHitResult or None:

        result (TAPythonPrimitiveHitResult):


Get the face normal of DynamicMesh in current view. (Experimental)

unreal.PythonMeshLib.get_triangles_face_normal_in_view(target_mesh_component, triangle_ids, view_info) -> Array[Vector]
    Get the face normal of DynamicMesh in current view.  (Experimental)
    note: added in v1.2.0 (Experimental)
    note: need UE5.2+

        target_mesh_component (DynamicMeshComponent): The target DynamicMeshComponent.
        triangle_ids (Array[int32]): The triangle ids of DynamicMesh.
        view_info (MinimalViewInfo): The current view info.

        Array[Vector]: The face normals of each triangle of DynamicMesh.


Calculate the merged ddxy of DynamicMesh's triangles in current view. (Experimental)

unreal.PythonMeshLib.cal_triangles_derivatives(mesh_component, triangle_ids, uv_channel, view_info, view_size) -> Array[Vector2D]
    Calculate the merged ddxy of DynamicMesh's triangles in current view. (Experimental)
    note: added in v1.2.0 (Experimental)
    note: need UE5.2+

        mesh_component (DynamicMeshComponent): The target DynamicMeshComponent.
        triangle_ids (Array[int32]): The triangle ids of DynamicMesh.
        uv_channel (int32): The uv channel of DynamicMesh.
        view_info (MinimalViewInfo): The current view info.
        view_size (Vector2D): The size of current view

        Array[Vector2D]: The merged ddxy of DynamicMesh's triangles, which not the same as ddx,ddy in shader.


Export the current normal and mip of DynamicMesh in current view as raw data. (Experimental)

unreal.PythonMeshLib.export_normal_and_derivatives(mesh_component, triangle_ids, uv_channel, view_info, view_size, export_tex_size) -> Array[uint8]
    Export the current normal and mip of DynamicMesh in current view as raw data. (Experimental)
    note: added in v1.2.0 (Experimental)
    note: need UE5.2+

        mesh_component (DynamicMeshComponent): The target DynamicMeshComponent.
        triangle_ids (Array[int32]): The triangle ids of DynamicMesh.
        uv_channel (int32): The uv channel of DynamicMesh.
        view_info (MinimalViewInfo): The current view info.
        view_size (Vector2D): The size of current view
        export_tex_size (int32): The width and height of exported square texture.

        Array[uint8]: The raw data of exported texture.

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